
Orhideje / The Orchids

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Sa dolaskom sivog i otužnog vremena, i kišom koja danas pada ceo dan, nedostaje mi šarenilo cveća iz moje bašte. Jedino cveće koje će uskoro ulepšati moj prostor su orhideje, koje su pustile izdanke i negde u januaru kada zima stegne, otvoriće se prvi cvetovi. Verovatno će to biti baš u trenucima kada mi se bude činilo da zimi nema kraja. 
Ovo su neke stare slike orhideja, od pre par godina. Orhideja, načičkana ljubičastim, sitnijim cvetovima već četvrtu ili petu godinu cveta svakih šest meseci. Ostale orhideje cvetaju mnogo slabije, i to je verovatno delom i moja krivica, jer zaboravljam da ih prihranim. Srećom, ove jeseni sam uspela da se setim da ih prihranim i deluje da će moj trud uskoro biti nagrađen, u vidu novih cvetova.
Pored pažljivog i ne preteranog zalivanja, pokušavam da im svakog leta redovno menjam podlogu na kojoj rastu (specijalna mešavina kore drveća, mahovine...). Tada obično isečem i staro, osušeno korenje. 

Today, weather was gloomy, with rain that was drumming on the windows whole morning and afternoon...And I missed my colorful garden. Right now, the only plants that will bloom soon, are my three orchids. They have shoots that will have flowers somewhere in January. 
These are the old pics of my orchids. The orchid with the cluster of purple, small flowers blooms every six months or so, for the last four or five years. Other orchids do not have flowers often, but it is my fault, because I forget to fertilize them most of the time. But, this fall I was not so careless and fed them properly. It seems that they appreciated it and they will reward me soon with new flowers.
Even I do not fertilize them as often as I suppose to, every summer I change the soil mix in their pots. And at that time, I usually cut dry, old roots. 

Još koja nedelja čekanja i nadam se da će novi cvetovi biti isto ovako lepi i krupni kao stari, i da će ulepšati moj prostor ove zime.

A few more weeks and hopefully the orchid will have new, beautiful flowers to awake my space this winter.
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