
Ledges State Park

Ovog leta smo išli do Ledges State Park. Park se razlikuje od drugih, mnogobrojnih parkova u Ajovi po tome što je kanjon. Kroz njega prolazi potok, koji je pritoka reke Des Moines. Stene koje su uzdižu nad potokom su u pojedinim delovima prilično visoke i na njihovim vrhovima se nalaze šume kroz koje se protežu duge staze za šetnju.
Do potoka se stiže putem koji je ranije bio otvoren i za vozila i za pešake, ali su ga prošlogodišnje poplave oštetile tako da je ove godine put otvoren samo za pešake. Po parku se još uvek mogu videti tragovi koje su besne bujice ostavile za sobom: hrpe granja i poneko stablo istrgnuto iz korena, gomile kamenčića na delovima gde je nekada bio put. Uvek pokošene travnate površine predviđene za piknik, ove godine su zarasle visokom travom. Prizor podseća na film "Jurassic Park III", kada je ostrvo dinosaurusa zaraslo, jer više nije bilo ljudske ruke da ga održava:) Ali i bez čovekovog uticaja priroda je izvrstan umetnik i utoliko napravi lepotu na svakom koraku.

Over the summer we went to the Ledges State Park, for a walk. This park is little different than most parks in Iowa, because it consists of sandstone canyons, carved by small creek, which is a branch of the Des Moines River. On the high cliffs of stones, there are woods with long hiking paths.
There is a road to the creek that was open for vehicles in previous years. This year it is closed, due to last year's flooding. Still, you can go there by foot. There is evidence that water was raging across this park: piles of branches and a few fallen trees, mass of gravel on the spot where once was a road...Usually the well groomed spots in the picnic area, this year are overgrown with grass. The scene is almost like the one from the movie "Jurassic Park III", when the island is overtaken by the nature and dinosaurs:) But, without the influence of man, the nature is still an amazing artist.

Deo puta preko koga prelazi potok
The creek goes over the part of the road

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