Prošle zime kada sam htela da isplaniram baštu, shvatila sam da nisam sigurna gde sam šta posadila i koliko biljaka se primilo a koliko osušilo. Zato sam odlučila da bar jednom mesečno slikam baštu i zapisujem sve detalje vezane za njeno napredovanje: koje je cveće posađeno, a koje izvađeno; skice sa planom kako bih volela da bašta izgleda; etikete kupljenog cveća na kojima piše kako se neguje... Zbog toga je nastao mali dnevnik o bašti.
Last winter, when I wanted to make a plan for my garden, I noticed that I am not sure where exactly my plants are, how many of them are still alive and how many died. Because of that, I started taking photos at least once per month and writing all the important details about the garden: when some plants are planted, when they are removed and why; drawings for how I would love the garden to look like in the summer; info about plants and where I bought them...That is why I started to keep small garden journal.
Naravno, ne mogu da propustim priliku da postavim i jednu od novijih slika moje bašte:) Ništa posebno se nije promenilo, osim toga što je cveće još bujnije i veselije.
I couldn't miss this opportunity to post one more pic of my garden:) Nothing much has changed, except that there are more marigold flowers and the garden is even more cheerful.
This year I was very excited when the butterflies arrived in my garden. The reason why they were around was because of the purple coneflower. Next year I would like to make a small butterfly garden, in my backyard.
Bašta koja me je inspirisala je bašta za leptire, koju smo posetili prošle nedelje.
The garden that is an inspiration for my next project is a small butterfly garden near a bike path, that we visited last week.
Bašta iz snova: u smiraj dana, čuje se pesma cvrčaka dok zlatni zraci sunca padaju na latice raznobojnog cveća
Dreamy garden: at sunset, the crickets sing while the golden rays of the Sun fall on the flowers' petals