Na tridesetak minuta od našeg mesta nalazi se Berry Patch Farm, farma koja gaji jagodičasto voće: borovnice, jagode, kupine, maline... Pored toga imaju i voćnjak sa jabukama, a u jesen velike, narandžaste bundeve koje rezbarimo za Halloween. Svakog radnog dana pre podne farma je otvorena za posetioce koji mogu sami da prošetaju farmom i uzberu proizvode koji su sazreli. To nam je jedno od omiljenih mesta kada želimo da prošetamo prirodom, a uz to i naberemo sveže voće. Farma je smeštena na brdašcima, okružena šumom i u ovo vreme puna leptira i pčela.
Pri povratku sam napravila pitu od svežih borovnica, po vrlo jednostavnom receptu. Recept sam našla na ovom blogu.
Kako nisam imala soka od narandži, zamenila sam ga sa sveže ceđenim sokom od lajma, pomešanim sa vodom. Za koru sam koristila recept od kolača sa lajmom.
Pita sa borovnicama
155g mlevenog keksa
3 ravne kašike šećera
80g putera (otopljenog)
5 šolja (od 250ml) svežih borovnica
oko 50-60ml vode
175ml ceđenog soka od lajma i vode (100ml soka od lajma+75ml vode)
1 šolja (od 250ml) šećera
3-4 kašike skroba
Zagrejati rernu na oko 170 Celzijusa.
Koru pripremiti na sledeći način: mleveni keks, šećer i otopljeni puter sjediniti prstima, i staviti u okruglu staklenu posudu prečnika oko 20-tak cm. Lagano ispritiskati smesu po celoj staklenoj posudi kao i po zidovima posude. Peći oko 10-tak minuta dok ivice kore ne porumene. Ostaviti po strani da se ohladi.
Fil spremiti na sledeći način: kuvati jednu šolju borovnica, šećer i sok od lajma, dok borovnice ne počnu da se rasprskavaju. U posebnu šolju izmešati skrob i vodu i dodati u masu koja se kuva. Kuvati još nekoliko minuta dok masa ne počne da se zgušnjava. Skuvanu masu procediti kroz cediljku, uz lagano pritiskanje po zidovima cediljke. Sveže borovnice dodati u skuvanu i proceđenu masu i sve lagano izmešati. Fil sipati na koru i ostaviti da se potpuno ohladi, pre nego što se stavi u frižider.
Nakon što je pita ohlađena, staviti je u frižider da odstoji bar tri sata pre serviranja. Servirati sa šlagom.
After our visit to farm, I made the blueberry pie, from the recipe that I found on this blog. I did not have any orange juice and used instead the mixture of lime juice and water. The recipe for the crust I used from Key Lime Pie, that I made a few weeks ago.
Blueberry pie
1 and 1/4 cup Graham cracker crumbs
3 Tbs sugar
6 Tbs butter; melted
5 cups fresh blueberries
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup mixture of lime juice and water (1/2 cup lime juice+1/4 cup water)
1/4 cup water
3 Tbs cornstarch
Preheat oven at 350F.
Crust: Mix together crumbs, sugar and butter. In a 9-inch pie dish, press the mixture to cover the whole dish and bake at 350F for around 10 minutes. Let it aside.
Filling: Mix cornstarch and 1/4 cup of water. Set aside.
Cook together 1 cup of berries, sugar and mixture of lime juice and water on low heat, for a few minutes. When berries start to burst, add mixture of cornstarch and water and mix well. Cook until mixture is thickened. Remove from the heat and press mixture through the strainer. Add remaining fresh berries to the cooked mixture and mix all together. Pour the filling in the crust and let it cool in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours. Serve with a Cool Whip.
*Slike dodate 19 avgusta
*Photos added on August 19th
Cook together 1 cup of berries, sugar and mixture of lime juice and water on low heat, for a few minutes. When berries start to burst, add mixture of cornstarch and water and mix well. Cook until mixture is thickened. Remove from the heat and press mixture through the strainer. Add remaining fresh berries to the cooked mixture and mix all together. Pour the filling in the crust and let it cool in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours. Serve with a Cool Whip.
*Slike dodate 19 avgusta
*Photos added on August 19th