
Moja bašta / My Garden

Već nekoliko postova na mom blogu su o bašti: slika bašte u proleće ili detalj iz bašte, slika njenih malih posetioca... Ali još uvek nisam stavila slike kako bašta izgleda sada preko leta. Ovako se moja bašta menjala od maja do kraja avgusta...

A few of the posts on my blog are about my garden: photos of the garden in the spring; detail from my garden; photos of the garden's visitors...But I still did not post the photos how my garden looks now, over summer. This is how my garden changes from May to August...

U proleće preovladavaju tulipani u bašti
Tulips in the spring

Početak juna: lale su precvetale i jednogodišnje biljke su tek zasađene
The beginning of June, when tulips finished their flowering season and annuals were planted

Početak jula, pre godišnjeg odmora: petunije su presađene u zemlju
The beginning of July, before our vacation: the petunias were moved from their pots into the garden

Bašta je zarasla korovom nakon dolaska sa odmora, ali je i cveće počelo da buja
After vacation, the garden is full of weeds, but plants started to grow also

Početak avgusta
The beginning of August

Sredina avgusta
The middle of August

Bašta ovih dana izgleda živo i veselo, pršti od boja. 
Now the garden looks vivid and cheerful, bursting with colors.

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