
Cvetni kutak za odmor / Outdoor Living Spaces

Kada naiđu lepi sunčani dani i cveće po bašti raspe boje, ne postoji ništa lepše nego sesti u neki kutak bašte i uživati u svoj toj lepoti.
When summer arrives and flowers in the garden spread their beautiful colors, there is nothing better than be outdoors and enjoy the beauty around you.

Uz hladnu limunadu i poneki slatki kolač, boravak u ovakvoj bašti odmara dušu
With cold lemonade and cake, spending time in this yard calms the soul

Za veće društvo sto i klupa ispod suncobrana
The table and the bench under big umbrella

Stolnjak i jastučići za stolice sa cvetnim motivima oživljavaju svaki prostor
Table cloth and chair pads with flower motifs will cheer every outdoor space

Platnena ležaljka sa jastucima veselih boja je privlačno mesto za odmor uz dobru knjigu
White hammock with pillows is the charming spot for reading

Klupa za predah vrednog baštovana
The bench for gardener's relaxation 

Romantični kutak za odmor
A romantic spot for rest

Za vrele, letnje dane ležaljka u hladu
For hot days, hammock in the shadow of a tree

All images via http://www.housetohome.co.uk/garden

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