
Leto / Summer

"Od sunčevog sjaja i iznenadnog bujanja lišća na drveću, kao što rastu stvari na ubrzanim trakama filmova, dobijao sam utisak da život počinje iznova sa svakim novim letom."
moj prevod iz knjige "Veliki Getsbi", F.Skot Ficdžerald

Već je kraj jula i sama pomisao da je leto pri kraju, navodi me da provedem što više vremena napolju, pogotovo u bašti. Ovde u Ajovi, zime su duge i surove. Temperatura pada i do -30 Celzijusa. Uz vetar, koji zimi svakodnevno duva na ovim prostorima, osećaj hladnoće se jedva može i opisati. Nekad nam jesen podari koju toplu nedelju, kao da se već unapred sažali na nas zbog onog što nam predstoji. I onda kada zima stegne, obično negde u novembru, ne da nam predaha sve do kraja aprila. Proleće ne mogu ni da pomenem, jer je kratko i skoro da ni ne postoji. Dolazak leta me uvek obraduje, jer priroda oživi. Svake godine pokušavam da zasadim što više cveća, u bašti kao i saksijama, da bi u leto sve oko mene prštalo od boja. 

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer."
F.Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby"

It is already the end of July and even the thought that summer is almost over, makes me go outside and spend more time in my garden. Here, in Iowa, winters are long and cruel. The temperatures are sometimes around -30 Celsius (-20 Fahrenheit). Add to that a lot of wind, and the coldness is unexplainable. Sometimes, the fall gives us a few more unexpected weeks of mild weather. It seems that fall "knows" what  will come and shows compassion for our suffering. And once when winter takes over, usually around November, does not ease its grip until late April. The spring is very short and almost does not exist. The arrival of summer always makes me smile. The nature is so alive. Every year I try to plant a lot of  flowers, in the garden and in the pots, to have burst of colors over the summer.

Ovog leta, oko mene se šarene crveni i narandžasti muškatlovi, ružičaste i ljubičaste petunije i visoke, bele margarete. Svakog meseca menjaju se boje u mojoj bašti i u saksijama. Još nekoliko nedelja mogu da uživam u vladavini ovog šarenila. Nakon toga na scenu nastupaju nežne, zlatne nijanse jeseni, kao prethodnica otužne, ogoljene zime. 

This summer, there are many red and orange geraniums in my garden, pink and violet petunias and tall white daisies. Every month colors are changing around me. For a few more weeks I can enjoy this vivid, colorful scene. After that, soft golden hues of fall will arrive, like a prelude to bareness of the winter.

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