
Branje jabuka / Apple Picking

Ovog vikenda smo ponovo išli na našu omiljenu farmu Berry Patch Farm. Dan je bio sunčan i topao, prijatan za šetnju. Bundeve, koje rezbarimo za Halloween su već narasle i spremne za branje, ali ovog puta smo brali samo jabuke. Jabuke su već pri kraju sezone i skoro obrane. Nakon dolaska sa farme sam napravila čokoladni kolač sa jabukama. Kolač je jednostavan i brz ali ukusan. Recept ću uskoro postaviti na blog. Ovo su neke slike sa farme...

This weekend we went to our favorite farm; Berry Patch Farm. Day was warm and sunny, it was a beautiful day for a walk. The pumpkins that we are carving for Halloween are ready for harvesting, but this time we picked only the apples. The Golden Delicious are almost at the end of the season and are mostly harvested, but we picked a lot of them anyway. After our trip to the farm, I made apple brownies. The recipe is very simple and easy, and the cake is tasty and light. Pretty soon, I will post it on my blog. These are some photos from the farm...

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